4 months in Paris

Today I complete 4 months in Paris and I’m not really okay, but not for the reasons you may think.

When I arrived my plan was to get an internship at an law office specialized in Environmental Law, but it didn’t happen. My lack of experience in European and French Law was a huge problem, which made it impossible for people to believe in my environmental law experience.

Because of that, I decided to write an article. I absolutely loved the process of writing it and I’m really happy with the result, but now I have to publish it and yesterday I took a hard hit. There are 2 scientific magazines i would like to have my article published by. Yesterday I received a very polite refusal from a magazine I thought would love it.

Also, in January I applied for a financial aid, but to this day I haven’t received it yet and my money is running short.

My goal with this trip is to prove to my family and to myself that my choices for my life are the right ones. I can live on my own in Paris, I am competent in the Animal Rights area and this is an area that I can make a living out of.

My point was not to take a 6-month vacation to travel through Europe. I wanted to have an internship in the mornning and study european and environmental law by the afternoon. The only envrionmental subject I wanted I had to drop because I wanted to keep my mornnings free so that I could work, but after a month of the beginning of classes, I hadn’t found an internship yet and as time passed by, I gave up on it.

So, no internship and no environmental law classes.

Right now I don’t have classes anymore and even though I am very pleased with all my grades, I didn’t have a single environmental law class.

All I have done (that’s part of my plan) is : I travelled to places I really loved, studied European Law and European Instituitions and I wrote an article I am really proud of.

Today I am second-guessing my capabilities. This trip’s goal is to allow me to return to Paris in a couple years and make a living here. I still have time to make it happen, but I think it’s going to be a lot harder than I had ever planned.

Please, if you have any experience you would like to share with me, I will be more than happy to read it.

I think it’s important for me to share the important parts of this journey, both sad and happy. Living in Paris, alone, for the first time has been the most exciting thing I have ever been able to do.

God has helped me immensely through this entire process, since the very first time I decided to come here and I couldn’t be more thankful. With that in mind, I know His plan for me is still there and I just gotta be patient and keep working for it.

If you have a plan to come to Paris too, or any other plan, work for it, pray to God and never lose faith. Everything will work out great if that’s God’s plan.

Thanks for reading and I’ll see you in the next post.

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